Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Different categories and types of mobile apps for businesses

Currently, we all are living in the era of smartphones and thinking about creating a mobile app for business is a bright idea.  

There are numerous mobile apps available today for customers to do online shopping, book services, gather information, and more. 

But which one suits your business has to be something else. 

Therefore, it is necessary to understand categories of mobile apps and different types, before creating your own profitable one.   

Once decided, get relevant assistance from a mobile app development company to create one for you. 

So, without any further adieu, we present you here, different types of mobile apps for businesses that you can refer to. 
  • Native Apps: These types of mobile apps are subjected for one type of operating system only. It can be for Android, iOS, React Native, or any one OS. This means, the Android app cannot be used for iPhone. The features and language are restricted to one type of operating system only. Few businesses go for Native Apps as per the ratio of their maximum mobile customers. 
  • Web Apps: As the name implies, these are basically website applications that you access on the web. Having responsive feature to open on any web browser, web apps are meant to save budget for creating an app. With this, you can redirect your users to open the URL of the app on a website browser and that access it swiftly. 
  • Hybrid Apps: The multi-platform apps are basically referred to as Hybrid Apps. These can be open on both Android Playstore, Apples Apple Store, and on any web browser as well. The universal type of app is meant best to reach a wide range of target audience in several locations. 

In order to create any type of mobile app for business, expert assistance of mobile developers is required. For this, you can completely rely on mobile app development services of SynapseIndia.  

Different categories of mobile apps 

  • Business apps: Basically referred to as productivity apps for buying, selling, billing, tracking, and sending emails. 
  • Gaming apps: The most popular category of app is the gaming one. It helps users to play a variety of games on smartphone and bring a substantial amount of profit to gaming companies. 
  • Elearning apps: The current demand is for elearning apps to bring learning and skill development right in your palms. Several educational institutes, colleges, and universities have learning platforms for mobile users. 
  • Lifestyle apps: Specifically for fitness, shopping, and sports enthusiastic users, such apps are widely created. 
  • Entertainment apps: Reading news online, watching videos, and referring to viral content are all parts of entertainment apps. 
  • Utility apps: These are one of the widely used apps. It comprises of apps like booking a cab, availing a repair service, undergoing a health treatment, or any other. 
  • Travel apps: Specifically for travel related services like booking a flight, making a hotel reservation, finding a travel package, etc. 






Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Enhance healthcare facilities with telemedicine mobile app development

Doctors and healthcare experts like you have limitless hours of duty to improve patient's life. During the current pandemic situation, it is you who is standing firm to meet healthcare demands of people.

Now, bring efficiency in way of diagnosing more and more patients with telemedicine mobile app while maintaining distance. It is a boon for healthcare professionals like you. Get substantial relief from long-hours duty at the hospital or a clinic. 

Develop a healthcare mobile app to see patients on remote basis, pursue a detailed diagnosis, send prescriptions, and more. 

Mobile apps have changed the overall concept of shopping all across the world. In the same manner, telemedicine app is a perfect move to enhance giving healthcare facilities everywhere from a preferred location.

Know more about Telemedicine Mobile App 
A telemedicine app is a modern-day diagnostic process by doctors, physicians, and other healthcare experts. 

Instead of traditional means of looking at patients in the clinic, this app offers remote basis diagnostic system. Especially during the current scenario of maintaining social distance, healthcare experts can rely on telemedicine app for offering better care. 

How to build a Telemedicine App?

Since every single doctor, physician, and surgeon has a specific functionality. In the same manner, telemedicine app varies in features as per the requirement.

Therefore, support of a professional mobile app development company like SynapseIndia is required to add relevant features. This IT organization has 20+ years of successful experience in developing apps for healthcare industry.

Rely on the technical support of SynapseIndia for developing a user-friendly telemedicine app with following common features:
  • Login feature: This is an essential feature for patients as users of your telemedicine mobile app. They need to create an account first before availing the healthcare service.
  • Finding a medical expert: Another feature to add is finding a doctor as per the specialty and geographical location. Patients can search for a medical representative based on consultation fees as well.
  • Book an appointment: A list of doctor's consultation timing availability should be there to let patients select accordingly.
  • Video consultation: Sometimes patients required a one-on-one video conference session with a doctor. This special feature needs to be added on the app and patients can make live video calls with medical experts.
  • A panel of doctors: This is a panel for patients to see the list of doctors available on the app. It also showcases complete information related to doctor's clinical background, specialty, years of experience, and more. 
Make it efficient for your medical professional to reach patients remotely in different geographical regions. Also, save time, effort, and clinical operations cost by offering round the clock services.

Rely on SynapseIndia as a leading mobile app development company to build a successful telemedicine app to expand operations.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Things you need to know about grocery shopping mobile app development

You might be having a grocery store selling A-Z products of different kinds. The daily hassle of long billing queues and too much waiting might hinder your customer experience.

It might be the case that you are receiving less numbers of customers even after post-pandemic scenario. 

Well, the solution to this problem is having your own grocery shopping mobile app developed by an expert IT company. 

It has been noted that more than 33% of online grocery shoppers prefer to choose smartphone apps rather than websites. The easy accessibility of looking at favorable products while on the go, has given much convenience to all the customers.

So, what are you waiting for, head up for mobile app development services to get your grocery shopping app created.

Things you need to first take into consideration
Of course, you are planning to scale up your retail business by digitizing operations.  Mere grocery shopping website is not enough to bring flexibility to customers because majority of them use a mobile app.

So, take steps as per the targeted customer's demands and do include following few features in grocery shopping mobile application.
  • Add to cart: A mandatory to add feature in a grocery shopping is surely be of Add to Cart. The main purpose is to bring convenience to customers saving preferred range of products to buy them later. Need not to search again for the same products because they are already added in a seperate section. This in a way saves time and effort of customers to make a quick purchasing decision on your app.
  • Barcode scanning: Another important feature to add both in Android & iOS apps is the barcode scanning. This is used to directly add the item to the shopping list.
  • Smart search: Every single customer has a selected preference of products in terms of price, size, weight, and category. Enable the functionality of smart search with various filters and sort by options to improve customer experience.
  • Reminders: Implement this functionality especially for daily consumable items like food and dairy products. Mobile app reminder features allow customers to buy these products on a daily basis to meet the necessary requirement.
  • Voice input: Voice search is a beneficial option for customers to search and shop while on the go. Remember this fact that only few big shopping app brands have this feature. 
  • Deals & coupons: Product deals and coupons alert displayed on the mobile app screen before the final payment sure to attract customers. This feature brings a trust factor between your brand and users to get the best price products. 

Count on mobile app development company, SynapseIndia to bring profitable functionality and enhance business operations.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Increase user retention with mobile app during times of crisis

Better customer retention contributes towards the success of your mobile app development. It showcases increased onboarding of users on your business application with an intention to buy products or avail a service.

Especially at this point of global crisis when even meeting minimum requirement of the business has become difficult for you. Necessary is to make few major developments in existing applications to retain customers at a fast pace.

SynapseIndia is one of the leading mobile app development company offers customer retention solutions. Rely on support of this pioneer brand to increase growth metrics of your online business and increase user lifetime value.

Check out following few points of mobile app development for increasing customers on-boarding

A. Avoid complex functionalities 
Onboarding customers on mobile app is not just about welcoming them to explore your business only. It is more creating a lasting experience for them to generate leads. Therefore, make sure to minimize complex features of the application. Remember customers need not brainstorm while accessing your app. Everything should be smooth and fast to navigate.

Simply declutter the extra features out of the mobile application that is no longer in usage. Keep the content minimal and holds to catch user's attention at first glance. Utilize a simple and smooth medium to navigate through the app in a matter of short time.

B. Reduce the load of log-in fields
A mobile app already has a small screen that is not relevant to display a large form of content. Especially for sign-up or log-in into the app, make sure to eliminate the lengthy registration or sign-up form. Create a shortcut functionality by accessing using email id or contact number.

This actually calls for minimizing overall user's input. Let them feel flexible to mere entering email id or number would provide hassle-free access to mobile application.

You can even implement the feature of autocomplete on your mobile app to retain more & more customers quickly. Leverage the features of geolocation, email id login credentials, and pre-filled address of customers to enable the autocomplete feature.

C. Single screen concept
If you really planning to increase customer retention rate on your business mobile app, then minimize the multiple screen concept.

Since smartphone screen is already small. So, there is no point in giving the old way of showing multiple pages. Follow the one screen concept rule to increase customer retention in a hassle-free manner.

D. Timely feedback to customers
Timely feedback and reply on business mobile application displays unique brand's identity. Experience the same by giving quick and valuable replies to customers on their feedback messages. 

Understand the true nature of their comment to solve queries and manage their concerns while navigating the app.

Increase overall customer retention by developing mobile apps with exclusive features and functionalities. Measure the success of application even during unfavorable circumstances prevailing at present.

Follow the practices above by relying on mobile app development services of SynapseIndia to bring necessary changes.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Elearning mobile app development a new way to supplement education

E-learning market is heading towards a growing development. Adoption of mobile apps for providing education to relevant groups is rising at a fast pace. Schools, colleges, private firms, universities, and other businesses rely on elearning mobile applications to impact necessary training.

Today, a majority of online businesses have implemented the technical adoption of mobile apps to scale up services. The same goes for education industry. It relies more on apps along with the website to provide skills to users while on the go.

Rising implications of elearning apps 
You are very much aware of the current market condition under the realm of rising pandemic. A majority of educational bodies and firms have closed physical operations and rely on online training sessions.

This trend is the future of elearning industry and continues to rise all across the globe. Therefore, move over from website to elearning mobile application to bring more flexibility, ease of usage, reliability, and unconditional benefits.

Benefits of mobile apps for your elearning business 
Before actually starting. Note the fact that online learning management system will grow at rate of 20.5 % from 2019 to 2025. The industry will soon gain the profit of $28.1 billion by 2025. 

Here are few benefits
  • Advance learning systems: Starting an elearning mobile app makes you much proficient in terms of offering services at any point of time. Storing the educational data on easy to download apps bring convenient factor to access at any point of time. In a way, you are giving the right educational methods to customers looking for skill enhancement within confined surroundings. This further increases your competitiveness over others in order to bring more creative and innovative approach.
  • Bridge the gap between skills and you: Remove the existing gap between people and skill. Mobile app platforms for elearning business ensures the new wave of transformation. Participate in live online sessions conducted by industry experts at any place. As a business leader, you are giving what students are longing for i.e. easy access to skill development techniques.
  • Create a global learning platform: This is one of the biggest advantages for elearning business to conquer the whole world. Mobile application education system can be operated in a hassle-free manner. Add students and professional participants to join the online course from any geographical location. This further calls for increasing your customer base and enhancing the level of education globally.

Elearning app has a long way to go in the education sector. Avail mobile app development services of SynapseIndia to make a difference in business structure at a low-cost.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mobile app development company service for real estate expansion

The competition in the real estate business is getting stiff with each passing day.
Unlike other industries that experience constant rise in order to meet customer's demand.
Real estate business involves a slow process of offering life's biggest investment to customer that is buying a property.
Still there is a way to fasten up property business and that is by adopting mobile app means to reach more customers.

Let's see how mobile app development company service is important for property business growth
How to sell more properties? 
This is a relevant question always asked by real estate players. Of course, there lies the demand to sell or rent more residential or commercial properties to customers.

The traditional way of either property agents approaching interested buyers directly or people who like to rent approach them is a slow process. Rather than this, mobile app gives you freedom to bring convenience to buyers and sellers.

Technically rich-featured mobile application for real estate industry brings beneficial factors. It has relevant information including list of properties  in different locations, property types, budget, room range, space, facilities, and others.

In short, let buyers or people who like to rent, access all the property related features on your mobile application. It does save time from indulging in multiple calls with customers and offer dedicated time to view every single property. 

Another element of a property mobile app is to find GPS enabled feature inside. This helps buyers, sellers or renting people to exactly find the coordinates of any house or commercial building. It makes it simple to find properties within preferred locations without asking for physical address everytime on call.
Top benefits of having your own real estate app:
  • Reach more & more customers
  • Enlist of number of properties available in diverse regions
  • Work remotely to send property details to clients 
  • Stay competitive like big real estate giants
  • Rather than enlisting on third party property sites, make your own to improve brand value and showcase credibility 

Hire an experienced mobile app development company SynapseIndia 
The advantages of creating a real estate mobile app are not confined to few points only. 
You ought to find several plus points for having own mobile and expand property business like never before.
Now, the next big thing is how to find the best mobile app development company service.
Well in that case, SynapseIndia is a leading mobile application creation and development partner since 2000. Highly experienced and creative approach of this company ensures success of your property business in a short while.

Major reasons for hiring SynapseIndia as mobile app development company for real estate:
  • Offering mobile app development service for more than 20 years
  • Numerous real estate clients have made a big name after availing their service
  • Certified mobile app developers are available to create innovative apps for business
  • Flexible developer's hiring model is available on fixed cost, man-month, and hourly basis

Just understand the fact that real estate mobile app development has a crucial role in growing business to great extent. Wait no more to digitally sell and rent properties using a robust application. Avail mobile app development company service from SynapseIndia at an affordable cost.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mobile app development company SynapseIndia enhances online business

The demand for mobile apps for business is showing no signs of slowing down. The fact is that millions of smartphone users are spread all across the globe. The majority of them prefer to shop online using an app, book a service, or hire any company for personal & professionals reasons.

For online business of any kind, having a user-friendly mobile app means serving more customers and enhance overall profit ratio.

If thinking to expand your business digitally and planning to create competitive app, then look for mobile app development company. Hire the expert service of professional app developers from SynapseIndia to give your business a competitive edge.

Make way for improved company's services for smartphone users located in different geographical locations.

Professional mobile app development company SynapseIndia

There is no doubt in saying the fact that some things should be left on professionals. Similarly, the development of Android apps and iOS apps should be done by innovative and technical minds of SynapseIndia.
  • Dedicated team of mobile app developers: Mobile app developers of SynapseIndia are trained and technically certified. Years of experience and a successful track record of developing diverse apps for clients make them highly reliable. The team of technical experts is innovative and focussed to best understand the nature of your business & suggest favorable solutions. They create mobile apps compatible with the choice of devices with robust features and a fast operational approach.
  • Latest technology support & infrastructure: Developing an app is a complex process. It requires a wide scale of technical tools, resources, and infrastructure. In this manner, SynapseIndia counted as the topmost mobile app development company offering the latest technology support. They have a perfect set up and a large pool of resources to create a competitive app for you.
  • Long term technical support: Mere creation of an appealing and result-oriented mobile application is enough. The professional expertise of SynapseIndia also provides complete technical and maintenance support. Your app requires regular updates and schedule audits to stay competitive. Rest assured about fixing any technical issue as full assistance is given by an experienced mobile app development company. 
  • Attractive mobile app: The overall interface and user experience of an app matter a lot to engage more & more users. The creative mobile app development team of SynapseIndia makes sure to provide unique identity to your business. Appealing banners, customized themes, and pages of an app are created to bring maximum traffic.
Make your search for a top mobile app development company comes to an end with SynapseIndia. Rely on 20+ years experience of creating profit-driven apps for industries of all types and generating their revenue to great extent.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com
Visit Website: https://www.synapseindia.com/mobile-apps-development-company.html