Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Increase user retention with mobile app during times of crisis

Better customer retention contributes towards the success of your mobile app development. It showcases increased onboarding of users on your business application with an intention to buy products or avail a service.

Especially at this point of global crisis when even meeting minimum requirement of the business has become difficult for you. Necessary is to make few major developments in existing applications to retain customers at a fast pace.

SynapseIndia is one of the leading mobile app development company offers customer retention solutions. Rely on support of this pioneer brand to increase growth metrics of your online business and increase user lifetime value.

Check out following few points of mobile app development for increasing customers on-boarding

A. Avoid complex functionalities 
Onboarding customers on mobile app is not just about welcoming them to explore your business only. It is more creating a lasting experience for them to generate leads. Therefore, make sure to minimize complex features of the application. Remember customers need not brainstorm while accessing your app. Everything should be smooth and fast to navigate.

Simply declutter the extra features out of the mobile application that is no longer in usage. Keep the content minimal and holds to catch user's attention at first glance. Utilize a simple and smooth medium to navigate through the app in a matter of short time.

B. Reduce the load of log-in fields
A mobile app already has a small screen that is not relevant to display a large form of content. Especially for sign-up or log-in into the app, make sure to eliminate the lengthy registration or sign-up form. Create a shortcut functionality by accessing using email id or contact number.

This actually calls for minimizing overall user's input. Let them feel flexible to mere entering email id or number would provide hassle-free access to mobile application.

You can even implement the feature of autocomplete on your mobile app to retain more & more customers quickly. Leverage the features of geolocation, email id login credentials, and pre-filled address of customers to enable the autocomplete feature.

C. Single screen concept
If you really planning to increase customer retention rate on your business mobile app, then minimize the multiple screen concept.

Since smartphone screen is already small. So, there is no point in giving the old way of showing multiple pages. Follow the one screen concept rule to increase customer retention in a hassle-free manner.

D. Timely feedback to customers
Timely feedback and reply on business mobile application displays unique brand's identity. Experience the same by giving quick and valuable replies to customers on their feedback messages. 

Understand the true nature of their comment to solve queries and manage their concerns while navigating the app.

Increase overall customer retention by developing mobile apps with exclusive features and functionalities. Measure the success of application even during unfavorable circumstances prevailing at present.

Follow the practices above by relying on mobile app development services of SynapseIndia to bring necessary changes.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

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