Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Different categories and types of mobile apps for businesses

Currently, we all are living in the era of smartphones and thinking about creating a mobile app for business is a bright idea.  

There are numerous mobile apps available today for customers to do online shopping, book services, gather information, and more. 

But which one suits your business has to be something else. 

Therefore, it is necessary to understand categories of mobile apps and different types, before creating your own profitable one.   

Once decided, get relevant assistance from a mobile app development company to create one for you. 

So, without any further adieu, we present you here, different types of mobile apps for businesses that you can refer to. 
  • Native Apps: These types of mobile apps are subjected for one type of operating system only. It can be for Android, iOS, React Native, or any one OS. This means, the Android app cannot be used for iPhone. The features and language are restricted to one type of operating system only. Few businesses go for Native Apps as per the ratio of their maximum mobile customers. 
  • Web Apps: As the name implies, these are basically website applications that you access on the web. Having responsive feature to open on any web browser, web apps are meant to save budget for creating an app. With this, you can redirect your users to open the URL of the app on a website browser and that access it swiftly. 
  • Hybrid Apps: The multi-platform apps are basically referred to as Hybrid Apps. These can be open on both Android Playstore, Apples Apple Store, and on any web browser as well. The universal type of app is meant best to reach a wide range of target audience in several locations. 

In order to create any type of mobile app for business, expert assistance of mobile developers is required. For this, you can completely rely on mobile app development services of SynapseIndia.  

Different categories of mobile apps 

  • Business apps: Basically referred to as productivity apps for buying, selling, billing, tracking, and sending emails. 
  • Gaming apps: The most popular category of app is the gaming one. It helps users to play a variety of games on smartphone and bring a substantial amount of profit to gaming companies. 
  • Elearning apps: The current demand is for elearning apps to bring learning and skill development right in your palms. Several educational institutes, colleges, and universities have learning platforms for mobile users. 
  • Lifestyle apps: Specifically for fitness, shopping, and sports enthusiastic users, such apps are widely created. 
  • Entertainment apps: Reading news online, watching videos, and referring to viral content are all parts of entertainment apps. 
  • Utility apps: These are one of the widely used apps. It comprises of apps like booking a cab, availing a repair service, undergoing a health treatment, or any other. 
  • Travel apps: Specifically for travel related services like booking a flight, making a hotel reservation, finding a travel package, etc. 






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